A minute about me
Ginger problems
A quick look into my silly and misguided thoughts
So. You are married to a red head. Why is that relevant!? What’s the big deal you may ask? Well, to answer that I must take you back to my younger days when majority of boys seemed mean and I obviously never did anything wrong *insert sarcastic tone*.
It was in those young, impressionable days that I knew two red heads and I just thought that they were the meanest. Im sure they weren’t even close to being that bad, but as a young girl, in my mind, there were just some offenses too personal that I decided I couldn’t ever forgive. Why I got stuck on the red hair I can’t even tell you because there was definitely a young blonde-headed boy who teased me just as much and was just as “mean” as the red heads. But, alas, the red heads got my ire.
So at the age of 9 or 10 I promised to myself and to God that I was never going to marry a red head. Ah, you say. There it is. The irony is now in full view. I’m sure God was laughing when I made that promise. And now I can giggle about it too. Despite my promise and trying to resist this very persistent red head in college my wonderful red headed husband found a way to show me that he was more than just a hair color stereotype. He pursued me and completely changed my perspective on red heads.
Now I fondly see red heads everywhere and wouldn’t even mind a little if one of my littles had flaming red hair. Truth be told, I would be happy if my children had hair at all. But the tale of my bald little babies is a telling for another time!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum purus id erat scelerisque, vitae vestibulum dui efficitur. Pellentesque non nisi a nisi tempor commodo. Mauris vel neque vel justo scelerisque dignissim ac quis erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis pellentesque ligula sed ex finibus facilisis.