Events Photographer
Lara Hammond
I am an events & portrait photographer based out of Madison, Wisconsin. I believe in capturing and treasuring history. I also believe in every single person's importance. This is why I want to walk with you down a magical and emotive path of your life's story. Freezing every emotion and highlighting the joy of every occasion. Imagery that will inspire others to join your journey, connecting on a deeper level as we all yearn to do, and creating keepsakes to treasure forever.
I want to make an experience that is relaxed, fun, enjoyable, and something you'll want to do again with every new journey you start in life! If this sounds like a good fit, I implore you to fill out the contact form, help me get to know you so that we can begin this exciting journey and create a lasting relationship for you and all your loved ones.
Anything with caramel
Indoor plants (if I can keep them alive)
Deep Dish Pizza
My Family
Audio Books
The World Cup
Being a mom
Packing light
Being a morning person
Taking time to relax

My Team

Couldn't Imagine Life Without Them
My life and love have definitely expanded with the growth of my family. The support and care that I receive allows me to be creative and supportive with those I work with.

Spunky, Loving, and Never Ending Energy. She is the reason I have any stamina at all!

Husband, Chef and Super Dad. He has always been there for me and the girls. I'm so thankful that he loves cooking too because getting home to a hot meal is simply perfection.

Sweetheart, Momma's Girl, And Tough in Her Own Right. Her curly mop is untamable; very similar to her spirit. This girl is someone to be reckon with and I may be a little worried about the teenage years ha!

The Sweetest Little Man. Loves playing with balls and playing hide and go seek. He definitely gets his love of food from his daddy's side!